
SAD because of a cheat :(

So, NoTimewasters, you reasonably imply, that a person, who lies about little things, will also in future lie about important things? And you can't trust such person.
Oyyyy this is about psychoanalysing ME?!

ttttttttttt, I am saying that cheating is a form of lying. I can forgive that once, if it is admitted and an apology made. I cannot, however, forgive a secondary lie - for example, if this person turns out to have been cheating for a long time but says it was only 3 or 4 games.

In LIFE, I have learned to forgive, but never to forget. Someone who will consistently lie about little things may well lie about bigger things, and no, I cannot trust such a person.
Btw, why is it allowed to close cheating account? I find it informative to see games cheaters played, also bad for cheaters morale.
They could just leave the account dormant, there'd be nothing anyone could do about it, and just open a new account anyway.

As I see it, the mistake at lichess is to allow such easy registration - so everyone can have as many accounts as they like, technically. I'm sure we've seen 90% of cheaters before, and no one can seriously expect a sane person to believe there are REALLY 214,000 individual users on lichess, but only maybe 800-2000 online at a time, and only 10 or so people listed as wishing to play a game!!!

But the mods don't consider that regulation of such things is a good idea. If I was clever enough to run something like lichess, I would be tougher on registration for starters.
"As I see it, the mistake at lichess is to allow such easy registration - so everyone can have as many accounts as they like, technically."

Yes, registration is easy. You want to know what else is easy? IP bans.

" I'm sure we've seen 90% of cheaters before, and no one can seriously expect a sane person to believe there are REALLY 214,000 individual users on lichess."

No, we do not claim that there are 214,000 individual users. But there are 214,000 accounts (accounts can't be deleted, so that number doesn't go down, you know).

"... but only maybe 800-2000 online at a time, and only 10 or so people listed as wishing to play a game!!!"

You're trying to form a correlation between the amount of online players, and the amount seeking a game at any one time. That makes no sense. Do you really think that all the players currently online are going to seek a game at the exact same time? And in extension, that all of those players are going to remain unpaired for long enough for you to see them all?

There's actually very little relationship between the amount of players online and the amount of games that are waiting to be paired.

"But the mods don't consider that regulation of such things is a good idea. If I was clever enough to run something like lichess, I would be tougher on registration for starters."

Why don't you try cheating and see how far you get? You're obviously an expert on everything to do with lichess and account regulation.

(Has no one ever heard of ten-minute-mail? Email address account restrictions don't do squat.)
IP bans are as easy to hand out as it is to sign up.

Registration is an issue that comes up among moderators quite frequently. The whole spirit of lichess is to be easy and open, so having an arduous registration limits that.
"Why don't you try cheating and see how far you get? You're obviously an expert on everything to do with lichess and account regulation."

Testosterone at all??? What an unnecessary and unpleasant thing to say. Cheating is something I would never do, and have never done, in anything. Relationships, chess, life.

You yourself have said in another thread that it would be unworkable to allow one account per IP address due to educational facilities having one IP address but potentially a number of users. Surely, logic dictates that it would therefore be unfair and unworkable to have an IP ban, for the same reason.

I'm leaving this thread now. I'm here to play chess, not to have someone - mod or non-mod - talk to me like that.
Why? You IP ban the public place, but they can still play in private, unless they don't have internet.

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