
Sound effects

And for @Mephostophilis, using multi source doesn't mean that you downgrade to mp3, just you have different files for different browsers, and if some browser support ogg it will use it, and if not it will use first next format that can find.
I said "multi-OS", not "multi-source".

Actually it would be more like "multi-browser". If Apple is so smart then how do we know there isn't a single file/source that just works for all the browsers?

It's kind of redundant uploading multiple formats of multiple sound files when you could just easily convert OGG into something else that works everywhere, don't you think?
I just read your other post.

So Safari doesn't support OGG,
what browser doesn't support WAV?
what browser doesn't support MP3?

And I hope you're not basing your knowledge of browser audio formats solely on Google Crap/chrome.
There is no file format that all browsers support. Everything about that is in my first post(which browser support which format) and implemenitng multisorce is easiest and most convenient way to deal with this problem. MP3 is most supported format, only Opera does not support it. But adding one more line in code for every sound, and having two file formats on server (OGG and MP3) means that you solve problem for all major browsers. Regards.
Didn't answer my questions about which browser didn't support MP3 or WAV.

So it wasn't really "everything" about that in the first post, only talk about which formats WERE supported, rather than weren't.

Whatever I guess.
Lol, if there is only 3 formats, and one of them isn't on the list, it means that that format is unsupported. So, IE DOES NOT support OGG and WAV and has only support for MP3, Chrome support all three formats, Firefox support all three formats from version 21, Safari Support MP3 and WAV, OGG obviously
not, and Opera support WAV and OGG and not MP3.
No, stating m := a + b does not exclude c.
It just means you were careless to be specific that c falls under the NOT.

And I'm reading that background sounds in IE do in fact support WAV, just not things like the HTML5 audio tag, but, um, fuck HTML5 anyway? It's mostly pre-standardized shit. Just use something else for audio, and you don't have to worry about different formats.
"Safari have no support for ogg, Opera for mp3, Internet explorer for wav (lol) and ogg, and firefox supports mp3 only from version 21."

And I really don't understand what's not clear here :). But I do not want to arguu with you, really, because your arguments are only fuck that and fuck this, and only what you really want is somebody who will take your bait and start discussing. So, if the HTML5 is the future of web, especially for mobile devices, who the fuck care about that :D. This is my last post about this issue, so best regards for you and have luck in your games on lichess.
I want to support you and thank you. Your message is quite literate. It was interesting to read and I learned something new. Thank you.
"And I really don't understand what's not clear here :)."

Yes, actually, you do.

And rather than agreeing to clear it up, you're willing to continue making it more and more confusing because you think it will bait further discussion by refusing to admit the invalidity of m := a + b not excluding c.

So rather than appropriately applying logic, if you have to copy assumptions off of Googleware or premature HTML5 specs or some crappy mobile device to falsify the credibility of your information, then I think you need to seek attention somewhere else. This is no longer open to discussion, bye. :)

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